Backhoe and Tractor

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A high quality hand made backhoe that can dig as well as the small tractor mounted backhoe, It can convert to plugin electric for digging underground or under a house. It costs less than 2000 dollars. And it is made right here where we live.

The only catch is that you have to become a “Maker” and build it yourself. (I couldn’t imagine a better way to live)


I designed the backhoe for a purpose. From rock to hard pan. I looked at the standard tow able design. The idea is good for digging in soft ground in open flat areas. I want to dig in tight places and under houses. I will start from scratch on the design.

It has to fit through a door. It will be able to dig down at least 4 feet. It should be light enough to move by hand, I need it to have a 360 degree swing like an excavator but it must be powerful and simple to build


This is a pretty extensive list of wants.

By letting go of the old ideas we are able to build something innovative.

I remember when I was a kid, our Telephone went from a dial to push button. I heard my parents grumbling because “The old way was better”. Sometimes it is hard to let go of old traditions.

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The backhoe is a stand alone machine but if you think about it - a pick ax needs a shovel. I now had a great digging machine but I needed something to shuttle and grade dirt, much like the loader that is mounted on the Mass produced tractor backhoe. I decided to build a walk behind tractor that would be just as unique as my backhoe.

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The Electric walk behind tractor

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It started as an idea, I saw all the attachments for the commercially available walk behind tractors. I will take it a step further. I will make it electric and simple. It started out as a scoop loader, I would use my arms to raise and lower the loader, an electric motor would curl the scoop loader . I added a plow and scarifiers to the rear of the tractor, It seemed like everyday there was an idea for a new attachment to make my life easier. Everything that is designed for this tractor allows the operator to get healthy exercise.

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I built and tested many attachments for the electric tractor. The tractor has a 12 volt high amperage system, this opens up a whole world of attachments including inverters and winches.

My tractor that was built to scoop and shuttle dirt has actually plowed the snow from my driveway and then kept electricity on during the same snow storm.

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The trick is to never have the machine sit. The tractor will usually be set up as a power wheelbarrow. My wife uses it to haul in chicken food and haul out the chicken poop. I use it like a truck. My fencing supplies fit nicely. If I have a board to cut and I am away from an outlet, I just happen to have my own power plant .


Between my backhoe and my Electric tractor there is not much that I can’t do. .


Lonnie Green