Electric Walk Behind Tractors..
doing many different jobs.
Electric Backhoe and Electric Tractor installing drain line. 110 Volt electric backhoe and electric tractor do their work using a fraction of the energy of main stream equipment, without one engine being started. Compare the L.E.D light bulb to the incandescent bulb.
Electric Walk Behind Tractor working around my property, doing everything from hauling dirt and gravel too firewood and plowing snow. Finish up with road grading and plowing. The Electric Tractor that does it all.
A look at a small Electric Walk Behind Tractor that is built to operate detachable implements along with coupling it to the tow-able backhoe to make this the most impressive machine combination ever built.
Tow-able Backhoe and Electric Tractor digging and hauling. Day to day use of the Greens Machines Tractors around the home and in the shop. The Machines that use simple parts to make a useful and powerful machine. For agriculture, construction or home use. These machines are built to last a life time.
Electric Walk Behind Tractor will take the place of five other machines. It will plow the garden, grade the driveway. Use the power wheel barrow to do all kinds of chores. It is Solar powered…no gas, no noise, snow plow, portable power station, solar tractor and gardening,